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Assignment 7 Final Project

Assignment 7 Final Project

Q Instructions Assignment 7: Final Project Conceptual photography favors the idea before the photographic object. Take what you have learned in this class from the various artists and techniques to disciplines and theory and apply that knowledge to a project of your own. Pick one (or more) of the disciplines that we discussed in class: Landscape, portrait, still life, narrative, documentary, street or Abstract. Use this discipline only as a starting point for your project. Build on that discipline and show your creativity. I do not want to see commercial/design photography unless it is relevant to your concept. This is a conceptual art project. I expect a high level of thought and execution in making your artwork. You must show effort for this final project! For your final project you will produce a series of images that relate to each other based around a common theme of your own choosing. • You should create 10 perfect images exploring a single theme of your choice (I expect you to take at least 50 photographs and edit down). • Create two folders in Flickr, one named “Assignment 7: Final 10” and another named “Assignment 7: Final All.” • Upload your final best 10 photos into the Final 10 folder. • Upload the rest of the photos into the Final All folder. • Once you have completed uploading your photos to Flickr, return to the assignment page. • Click the Upload button. • Select your best photo to upload and click Open. • Paste the URL of your Flickr album in the comment section. • Click Submit to Assignment General Guidelines • You will be graded on the creativity of your concept as well as technical mastery of the topics we have covered in class. • I expect you to effectively use lighting, depth of field, shutter speed, framing, composition, and other skills we have covered in class. • You must type a minimum of a 1/2 page artwork statement. No more than a page. This statement should include technical and conceptual thoughts on the project. Describe the process you used to make the project, and most importantly, the ideas and concepts behind the image you have created. Selecting a Theme • When brainstorming a theme for your final project, start with your interests. Ask yourself what kind of subjects or objects you enjoy working with. Also ask yourself what type of photographic style you like: landscape, constructed, portraiture, documentary, abstract, etc. Your project does not have to abide by one style, but consider what your interests are. • Think of an idea that you have wanted to explore that you have not been able to thus far. Really challenge yourself and go beyond your comfort zone for your final project. • Use the photographers and images we have talked about throughout the semester as inspiration. It is OK if you would like to be inspired by another photographer’s style or reinterpret a theme or concept they have explored already. Your challenge is to do it just as effectively as they have AND interpret it in a slightly different way...your way. • The more specific parameters you set for yourself, the more effective your images will be. When you set specific parameters you will know exactly what you are looking for and you will have a general idea of how you want your series to turn out.

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For the final project I have worked upon some abstract photos. I specifically chose this topic because in all other weeks I have experimented with natural, portrait and various other aspects. I have worked quite randomly taking photos of things that suffice my demand of the abstract. I have tried using all the techniques which I have learnt from this class mostly the rule of thirds and the framing.